- Actuators
- Coil Design
- Electromagnetic Brakes & Clutches
- Inductors
- Levitators
- Motors
- Alternators and Generators
- Electromagnetic Brakes and Clutches
- Sensors
- Loudspeakers
- Magnetic Encoding
- Relays and Contactors
- Solenoids
- Shielding
- Electromagnets
- Magnetic Bearings
- Magnetic Signatures
- Magnetic Fixtures
- Magnets
- Non Destructive Testing
- Particles
- Antenna Radiation Characteristics
- Simulation of an Airplane
- EM Simulation of a Desktop
- EM Compatability and EM Interference
- Cable Junctions and Terminations
- Filters
- Lightning Strikes
- Microwave Circuits
- Microwave Ovens
- Near Field Analysis
- Radar Cross Sections
- Radio Frequency Cavities
- Reflector Antennas
- Sensors
- Ultra Wideband Antennas
- Waveguides
- Antennas
Charged Particle Trajectories Simulation
LORENTZ™ computes the path of charged particles through electric and/or magnetic fields. It can solve or import the time and space dependence of E&B fields, then solve the dynamics of the particle motion under the Lorentz force (F = qE + vxB) or due to mobility (v = µE) in a surrounding medium. Other factors that can be used as appropriate include: viscosity and wind speed of the medium, secondary emission from surfaces, and collisions with residual gas.

Some examples:
- Ion mobility spectroscopy
- Ion traps
- Ion mass spectrometers
- Time of flight
- Deflector plates