CAD Import and Partners
The geometry of the problem can be created with the geometric modeler built into the INTEGRATED programs or can be imported from any of the major CAD vendors. More importantly, the geometry can be changed parametrically to optimize a design for robustness, weight, size, cost, and of course, performance.
In addition to a built-in geometric modeler, INTEGRATED has joined forces with major CAD vendors to enable the seamless import of existing 3D models.
INTEGRATED programs support commonly used STEP, SAT, IGES and DXF formats. However, many inconsistencies between various programs and the approximations to geometry can make these impractical. We have partnered with major CAD vendors to provide a direct memory link between a model open in your CAD package and our CAE software. In 3D we support imports from Autodesk, Pro-E, I-deas, Solid Edge and SolidWorks. Talk to our technical support to learn how the development is proceeding for other cases.
Founded in 2006, the Motion Control and Motor Association (MCMA) – the most trusted resource for motion control information, education, and events – has transformed into the Association for Advancing Automation, the leading global automation trade association for the motion control, motors, machine vision, robotics, and industrial AI industries. MCMA was developed to advance the global understanding and use of motion control and related automation technologies and to help our member companies and the industry grow. We promote innovation and growth from supply through distribution by providing comprehensive education, research, communication, industry trades shows, events and networking. We are committed to providing support and leadership on common industry issues.
Today, the association is serving the needs of hundreds of its member manufacturers, distributors, system integrators, manufacturers' representatives, end users, suppliers, consulting firms, researchers and academics from across the globe.
ALTI was founded in 1961 and was formerly known as "The American Loudspeaker Manufacturers Association". ALTI is an association of professionals in the audio and loudspeaker technologies industry. ALTI is the international trade association dedicated to improving the design and manufacture of loudspeakers and related technologies. It is comprised of loudspeaker and audio designers and manufacturers as well as suppliers of test and measurement equipment and other products, consultants and other service providers to the loudspeaker and audio industry. ALTI enjoys and welcomes a global membership.
Founded in 1953, AVS is organized into technical divisions and technical groups that encompass a range of established as well as emerging science and technology areas. AVS supports networking among academic, industrial, government, and consulting professionals involved in a variety of disciplines all engineering disciplines, bussiness, sales, etc. through common interests related to the basic science, technology development, and commercialization of materials, interfaces and processing.
AVS endeavors to be the premier organization specializing in understanding and applying the science and technology of materials, interfaces and processing with outstanding benefits for members.
NEMA is the largest trade association of electrical equipment manufacturers in the United States and was founded in 1926. This long-standing institution represents nearly 325 electrical equipment and medical imaging manufacturers that make safe, reliable, and efficient products and systems and their combined industries account for 360,000 American jobs in more than 7,000 facilities covering every state which produces $106 billion shipments of electrical equipment and medical imaging technologies per year with $36 billion exports.
Software Partner
Microsoft Partners are independent companies that can provide customers with the highest levels of technical expertise, strategic thinking, and hands-on skills. Microsoft Partners encompass a broad range of expertise and vendor affiliations and their real world perspective can help customers prioritize and effectively deliver their technology solutions.

CAD Partners
As a worldwide design resource, Autodesk helps over 4,000,000 design professionals in over 160 countries model, make, manage, and market their designs; from hotels, highways, office buildings, and elevators to Academy Award-winning special effects and utility district electrical plans. They provide a broad range of totally integrated, interoperable solutions that combine innovative Internet, mobile, and wireless technologies with industry-leading design software and industry-specific online marketplaces. They unite the entire design process, helping companies connect, design, compete, and succeed – in Internet time.

Solution Partners
Founded in 1981 and based in Bellevue, Wash., Tecplot, Inc. empowers engineers and scientists to discover, analyze, and understand information in complex data, and to effectively communicate the results to others. The company launched Tecplot, its first software product for the scientific visualization market, in 1988. Since then, Tecplot has been applying and influencing the latest advances in visualization technologies and plotting capabilities. With more than 45,000 users worldwide, Tecplot has become the trusted name in data visualization.